All Engineering Colleges in India – Tution Fee Waiver Scheme – AICTE

All Engineering Colleges in India – Tution Fee Waiver Scheme – Announced by AICTE

The AICTE has introduced the scheme mandatory for all institution approved by the Council.

Eligibility for admission under TFW.

  1. 50 % of the sanctioned intake per course shall be available and the seats shall be supernumerary.
  2. Parent€™s annual income should be less than Rs. 4.50 Lakhs from all sources.
  3. Only tution fee alone will be eligible for waiver.
  4. Admitting authority shall be the same as for regular admission. (i.e) thro€™ single window.
  5. Non-availability of students in this category shall not be given to other category of students.
  6. The institution shall publish the details of this scheme in the college brochure and website.
  7. Students admitted under this scheme shall not be allowed to change the college / Courses.
  8. The admitted students details shall be published in the college website for other stake holders.

Important Note : You have to mention as applied for Tution Fee Waiver Scheme at the time of Counselling.

For More Details : Chcek the  AICTE’s Tuition Fee Waiver (TFW) Scheme Circular

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