Anna University Engineering Counseling – TNEA2016 – Live Updates -END OF VOCATIONAL GROUP COUNSELING STATUS

Updated on 24.07.2016 (8.40 PM)
The Vocational Group Counseling is completed with 76.96% Seats Vacant.
Today is the Second Day and Final Day of Vocational Counseling, Only 787 Candidates are called for Counseling. But 38.75% of Candidates (305 Candidates) are not attended the Counseling and 25 were skipped the counseling without selecting any seats. Balance 457 Students are Selected their favorite Courses. Hence the Total Vacancy of the Seats are 5022.

In the Total (2 Days) Vocational Group Counseling, for 6525 Seats, Only 2155 Students were called for counseling. Still there was 613 Absentees and 41 Students were skipped to take seat on counseling, 1501 Students only selected Engineering seats. Hence the Vocational Group Counseling is completed with 76.96% Seats Vacant.

End of the Vocational Counseling (24.07.2016)  Field Seats Status  :

  1. MECHANICAL : 688 Seats
  2. CIVIL : 220 Seats 
  3. EEE : 201 Seats
  4. ECE : 160 Seats
  5. CSE : 109 Seats
  6. IT : 27 Seats
  7. AUTOMOBILE : 31 Seats
  8. E & I : 7 Seats
  9. AERONAUTICAL : 6 Seats
  10. BIO TECHNOLOGY : 2 Seats
  11. OTHER COURSES : 50 Seats


Updated on 23.07.2016 (8.40 PM)

Today is the First Day for the Vocational Group Counselling 2016.
Actually the Vocational Group Counseling is only for Twodays. So, it will be ended up Tomorrow.
Already the Academic Counseling is Ended with More than 1 Lakh Seat Vacant.
Today in this Vocational Counseling, 1368 Candidates are called for Counseling. But 22.51% of Candidates (308 Candidates) are not attended the Counseling and 16 were skipped the counseling without selecting any seats. Balance 1044 Students are Selected their favorite Courses. Hence the Total Vacancy of the Seats are 5479.

Today (23.07.2016)  Seat Moving Status  :

  1. MECHANICAL : 485 Seats
  2. CIVIL : 140 Seats 
  3. EEE : 137 Seats
  4. ECE : 115 Seats
  5. CSE : 69 Seats
  6. IT : 23 Seats
  7. AUTOMOBILE : 23 Seats
  8. E & I : 7 Seats
  9. AERONAUTICAL : 5 Seats
  10. BIO TECHNOLOGY : 2 Seats
  11. OTHER COURSES : 38 Seats

 Updated on : 23.07.2016- 7:00 AM

The Vocational Group Counseling is going to starts shortly.At the time of counseling Starting, there 6,370 seats available in Self Financial Colleges.And 155 Seats available in Government and Government Aided College Seat. And there is no seats will be alloted for University & University Department Colleges in Vocational Group Counseling.So, Totally 6,525 Seats available in Counseling.

Vocational Group Counselling – Initial intake

Category  OC  BCM  BC  MBC  SCA  SC  ST  TOTAL
1-Govt/Govt Aided Colleges 
48 5 41 31 5 23 2 155
2-Self-Financing Colleges 
1976 223 1688 1274 190 956 63 6370
TOTAL 2024 228 1729 1305 195 979 65 6525

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