S.No. Course Name State Name of Medical College / Medical Institution University Name Management of College Year of Inception of College Annual Intake (Seats) Status of MCI Recognition Date of LOP
100 M.B.B.S. Jharkhand M G M Medical College, Jamshedpur Kolhan University, Chaibasa Govt. 1961 100 Recognized for 50 seats. Permitted for renewal of permission for increase of seats from 50 to 100 u/s 10(A) for 2015-16.  
101 M.B.B.S. Jharkhand Patliputra Medical College, Dhanbad Vinoba Bhave University Govt. 1969 100 Recognized for 50 seats. Permitted for renewal of permission for increase of seats from 50 to 100 u/s 10(A) for 2015-16.  
102 M.B.B.S. Jharkhand Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi Ranchi University Govt. 1960 90 Recognized for 90. Permitted for renewal of permission for increase of seats from 90 to 150 for 2015-16.  
103 M.B.B.S. Karnataka A J Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Mangalore Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 2002 150 Recognized for 100 seats. Permitted for renewal of permission for increase of seats from 100 to 150 for the year 2015-16.  
104 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences Bellur Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 1985 150 Recognized for 100 seats.Permitted for renewal of permission for increase of seats from 100 to 150 u/s 10(A) for 2016-17.  
105 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Al-Ameen Medical College,Bijapur Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 1984 100 Recognized for 100 seats. Not permitted for renewal of permission for increase of seats from 100 to 150 u/s 10(A) for 2015-16.  
106 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bangalore Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Govt. 1955 250 Recognized for 150 seats. Permitted for renewal of permission for increase of seats from 150 to 250 u/s 10(A) for 2015-16.  
107 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Basaveswara Medical College and Hospital, Chitradurga Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 1999 100 Recognized (Issued show cause notice for withdrawal of recognition u/s 19).  
108 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Belgaum Institute of Medical Sciences, Belgaum Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Govt. 2006 100 Recognized when degree granted on or after December2010.  
109 M.B.B.S. Karnataka BGS Global Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 2013 150 Permitted u/s 10(A) for 2016-17. 02-07-2013
110 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Bidar Institute of Medical Sciences,Bidar Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Govt. 2007 100 Recognized when degree granted on or after January,2012  
111 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Dr BR Ambedkar Medical College, Bangalore Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 1980 100 Recognized  
112 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Employees State Insurance Corporation Medical College, Bangalore Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Govt. 2012 100 Permitted for renewal of permission u/s 10(A) for 2015-16. 27-06-2012
113 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Employees State Insurance Corporation Medical College, Gulbarga Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Govt. 2013 100 Permitted for renewal of permission u/s 10(A) for 2015-16. 15-07-2013
114 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Father Mullers Institue of Medical Education and Research, Mangalore Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 1999 150 Recognized for 100 seats. Permitted for renewal of permission for increase of seats from 100 to 150 u/s 10(A) for 2016-17.  
115 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Gadag Institute of Medical Sciences, Mallasamudra, Mulgund Road, Gadag Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Govt. 2015 150 Permitted u/s 10(A) for 2015-16. 03-06-2015
116 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Government Medical College, Mysore Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Govt. 1924 150 Recognized for 100 seats. Permitted for renewal of permission for increase of seats from 100 to 150 for 2015-16.  
117 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Gulbarga Institute of Medical Sciences, Gulbarga Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Govt. 2015 150 Permitted u/s 10(A)for 2015-16. 08-06-2015
118 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences, Hassan Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Govt. 2006 100 Recognized when degree granted on or after January 2011  
119 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgaum KLE University (Deemed), Belgaum Trust 1963 200 Recognized for 150. Permitted for renewal of permission for increase of seats from 150 to 200 u/s 10(A) for 2015-16.  
120 M.B.B.S. Karnataka JJM Medical College, Davangere Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 1965 245 Recognized  
121 M.B.B.S. Karnataka JSS Medical College, Mysore JSS University, Mysore Trust 1984 200 Recognized for 150 seats. Prev under RGUHS. Permitted for renewal of permission for increase of seats from 150 to 200 u/s for 2016-17.  
122 M.B.B.S. Karnataka K S Hegde Medical Academy, Mangalore Nitte University (Deemed), Mangalore Trust 1999 150 Recognized for 100 seats. Permitted for renewal of Permission for increase of seats from 100 to 150 for 2015-16.  
123 M.B.B.S. Karnataka K V G Medical College, Sullia Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 1999 100 Recognized  
124 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubli Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Govt. 1957 150 Recognized for 100. Permitted for renewal of permission for increase of seats from 100-150 u/s 10(A) for 2016-17.  
125 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore Manipal Academy of Higher Education (Deemed University), Manipal Trust 1955 250 Recognized  
126 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Kasturba Medical College, Manipal Manipal Academy of Higher Education (Deemed University), Manipal Trust 1953 250 Recognized  
127 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 1980 150 Recognized for 120 seats. Permitted for renewal of permission for increase of seats from 120 to 150 for 2016-17.  
128 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Khaja Banda Nawaz Institute of Medical Sciences, Gulbarga Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 2000 100 Recognized when degree granted on or after 04.04.2006  
129 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Koppal Institute of Medical Sciences, Koppal Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Govt. 2015 150 Permitted u/s 10(A) for 2015-16. 08-06-2015
130 M.B.B.S. Karnataka M S Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 1979 150 Recognized (show casue notice for withdrawal of recognition revoked)  
131 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Mahadevappa Rampure Medical College, Gulbarga Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 1963 150 Recognized  
132 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Mandya Institute of Medical Sciences, Mandya Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Govt. 2006 100 Recognized when degree granted on or after January,2011  
133 M.B.B.S. Karnataka MVJ Medical College and Research Hospital, Bangalore Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 1997 150 Recognized for 100 seats when degree granted on or after 24.05.2006 and onwards. Permitted for renewal of permission for increase of seats from 100 to 150 u/s 10(A) for 2015-16.  
134 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Navodaya Medical College, Raichur Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 2000 150 Recognized for 100 seats when degree granted on after Mar2007. Permitted for renewal of permission for increase of seats from 100 to 150 u/s 10(A) for 2016-17.  
135 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Raichur Institute of Medical Sciences,Raichur Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Govt. 2007 100 Recognized when degree granted on or after Jan 2012.(Issued Show cause notice for recommendation of withdrawal of recognition)  
136 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Rajarajeswari Medical College & Hospital, Bangalore Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 2005 100 Recognized for 100. Not Permitted for renewal of permission for increase of seats from 100 to 150 for 2015-16.  
137 M.B.B.S. Karnataka S S Institute of Medical Sciences& Research Centre, Davangere Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 2006 150 Recognized when degree granted on or after January2011  
138 M.B.B.S. Karnataka S. Nijalingappa Medical College & HSK Hospital & Research Centre, Bagalkot Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 2002 150 Recognized for 100 seats when degree granted on or after Feb2007. Permitted for renewal of permission for increase of seats from 100 to 150 for the year 2015-16.  
139 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Sapthagiri Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Bangalore Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 2011 150 Permitted for renewal of permission u/s 10(A) for 2015-16. 21-06-2011
140 M.B.B.S. Karnataka SDM Medical College , Dharwad Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 2003 100 Recognized  
141 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Shimoga Institute of Medical Sciences,Shimoga Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Govt. 2007 100 Recognized when degree granted on or after January,2012  
142 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Shri B M Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Bijapur Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 1986 150 Recognized  
143 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Shridevi Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Hospital, Tumkur Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 2013 150 Permitted for renewal of permission u/s 10(A) for 2015-16. This permission is subject to outcome of Honble High Court of Karnataka in WP no.41899-41900/2015 and SLP,if any filed by MCI in the Honble Supreme Court. 13-07-2013
144 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Sri Devaraj URS Medical College, Kolar Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research (Deemed University), Kolar Trust 1986 150 Recognized  
145 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Sri Siddhartha Medical College, Tumkur Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumkur Trust 1988 150 Recognized for 130. permitted for renewal of permition for increase of seats from 130 to 150 for 2014-15 on the basis of undertaking filed by the college authority before Hon ble Supreme Court (WP(C) No. 469 of 2014)  
146 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Srinivas Institute of Medical Research Centre, Srinivasnagar Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 2011 0 Not permitted for renewal of permission u/s 10(A) for 2015-16. 30-06-2011
147 M.B.B.S. Karnataka St. Johns Medical College, Bangalore Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 1963 150 Recognized for 60 seats. Seats increased from 60 to 150 u/s 10(A) for 2016-17.  
148 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Subbaiah Institute of Medical Sciences, Shimoga, Karnataka Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 2012 150 Permitted for renewal of permission u/s 10(A) for 2015-16. 29-06-2012
149 M.B.B.S. Karnataka The Oxford Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Bangalore Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Society 2014 0 Not permitted for renewal of permission u/s 10(A) for 2015-16. 18-07-2014
150 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Vijaynagar Institute of Medical Sciences, Bellary Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Govt. 1961 150 Recognized for 100 seats. Permitted for renewal of permission for increase of seats from 100 to 150 u/s 10(A) for 2016-17.  
151 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Vydehi Institute Of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Bangalore Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Trust 2002 250 Recognized for 150 seats. Permitted for renewal of permission for increase of seats from 150 to 250 u/s 10(A) for 2016-17.  
152 M.B.B.S. Karnataka Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore Yenepoya University (Deemed), Mangalore Trust 1999 150 Recognized for 100 seats. Permitted for renewal of permission for increase of seats from 100 to 150 for 2015-16.  
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