Round 2 Counseling – Dates for Initial Payment Starts Today (12.10.2020)
Academic Counseling Round 2 – Initial Payment starts by today(12.102020) and will be end by tomorrow (13.10.2020)
Round 1 Counseling – Add & Locking of Choice – Starts Today (12.10.2020)
Academic Counseling Round 1 & Vocational Counseling – Add and Locking of Choice (2 Days) Starts 12.10.2020 (today) and will end by 13.10.2020 (tomorrow). The tentative allotment will be done on 14.10.2020 fro the Round 1 Counseling.
Confirmation of the Tentative allotment should be done within 14.10.2020 to 15.10.2020. Then the final Provisional Allotment for Round 1 will be published on 16.10.2020
for more details refer the following image.

Important Notification on Special Counseling:

TN Engineering Admission 2020 – Counseling Started on 01.10.2020.
The following Category of studens counseling are conducted from 01.10.2020 to 05.10.2020
- Eminent Sports Person (Rank 1 to 1409)
- Ex-servicemen -Academic(Rank from 1 to 853)
- Ex-servicemen -Vocational(Rank from 1 to 2)
- Differently Abled Person -Academic(Rank from 1 to 148)
- Differently Abled Person -Vocational (Rank 1 )
Need the list of available seats in every colleges after each round
Required every day evening college list with available seats and course