All Engineering Colleges in India – Tution Fee Waiver Scheme – Announced by AICTE
The AICTE has introduced the scheme mandatory for all institution approved by the Council.
Eligibility for admission under TFW.
- 50 % of the sanctioned intake per course shall be available and the seats shall be supernumerary.
- Parent€™s annual income should be less than Rs. 4.50 Lakhs from all sources.
- Only tution fee alone will be eligible for waiver.
- Admitting authority shall be the same as for regular admission. (i.e) thro€™ single window.
- Non-availability of students in this category shall not be given to other category of students.
- The institution shall publish the details of this scheme in the college brochure and website.
- Students admitted under this scheme shall not be allowed to change the college / Courses.
- The admitted students details shall be published in the college website for other stake holders.
Important Note : You have to mention as applied for Tution Fee Waiver Scheme at the time of Counselling.
For More Details : Chcek the AICTE’s Tuition Fee Waiver (TFW) Scheme Circular